Butch Jones Virginia Tech-Week Press Conference Notes

Coach Jones is back at the podium this week answering some questions about his team and their preparations for the Virginia Tech Hokies. Below are some aspects I found most interesting:

– Typical Jonesisms to open the press conference (correcting mistakes, focus on fundamentals, create competition, etc.)

– Brief overview of Virginia Tech. Logan Thomas is a tank. He will be tough to take down. Also the Hokies defense is very experience and talented.

– I would disagree that UC-VT is a ‘nationally televised game’. Sure anyone from Los Angeles to New York City can see it but only about 37 people have ESPN U in their TV package, so by the raw numbers ESPN really screwed us here.

– Using the transitive property of Cincy beating Pitt who beat Virginia Tech is stupid. Next question.

– The Hokies are an established program with a ton of depth. Really they are what Cincinnati aspires to be.

– The Bearcats need to find players who can make big plays and change the momentum of the game.

– Jones agrees with me that this is basically a road game for Cincinnati despite the Bearcats being the ‘home team’. Thanks a pant load, Mike Thomas!!

– Expect more focus out of the Bearcats this week. Well after what they showed against Delaware State, that will be a welcomed sight.

– Good to hear Alex Chisum and Drew Frey are completely healthy and should play.

– Oh a new Coach Jones saying: ‘Cat Security’ instead of ‘Ball Security’.

– Butch and I #BelieveInMunchie.

– Bennie Coney has been practicing as Logan Thomas this week. Let’s hope he wasn’t required to shave off his dreds, though.

If you’d like to watch the presser in its entirety you can check it out here.