This is not your ordinary preview. Normally we'd discuss the key ..."/>

This is not your ordinary preview. Normally we'd discuss the key ..."/>

This is not your ordinary preview. Normally we'd discuss the key ..."/>

Previewing Cincinnati vs. Seton Hall with a Single YouTube Clip


This is not your ordinary preview. Normally we’d discuss the key numbers and players to keep an eye on in this game. But last season when I did that some Seton Hall fans got so up in arms when I explained how their terrible program is so terrible. So instead I decided to put as little effort into this year’s preview as possible and searched “Seton Hall sucks” on YouTube to see if I could dig up anything juicy. Thankfully the Internet gifted us with the below clip that appears basically at the top of the list.

And sucks it does.

I won’t make you watch the full thing, it’s actually pretty brutal. If you decide to you have my sympathy. But to save you time it’s about a woman talking up her Masters degree she got at Seton Hall. In English. In America:

The expression on the faces of her students basically mirror the look on my face as I watched this video of a woman explaining how “awesome” it is to read. The clip is so hilarious and pathetic that it deserves its own word. It’s hipathetic, and very much epitomizes why Seton Hall is so freaking fun to pick on.

BONUS! For you sports nuts out there, here’s a more Pirates basketball related clip of two dorky white dudes running around New Jersey in Seton Hall gear with a basketball in their hands. To be fair, playing actual highlights of their school’s basketball team to the music of Young Jeezy’s “Put On” would have been worse: